Saturday, May 29, 2004

. . . and the cow jumped over the moon!

Doesn't this make you smile? It does me.

This was a line drawing that I copied off the internet somewhere. Unfortunately, I do not have the URL for its source. I would happily give credit to its owner if they contact me.

I have modified it a bit. I think I have added one large star and enlarged many of the smaller stars. I have colored it, including the pink cow. I wonder if she gives strawberry-flavored milk? Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

that IS very cute. can i use the image, please?


Mary said...

Like I noted in the posting, it is not my original line work. I just colored it.

Feel free to use it if you like.

Anonymous said...

All of yall are right it is very cute and pretty well now i guess yall know im from Texas cuz i say yall :) k bye