While I appreciate Blogger's efforts to let people post images to their weblogs, I am finding working with Hello.com too cumbersome.
For that reason, and that reason alone, I am moving my images to Merry Dragon, where I hope you will come see me.
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Monday, June 07, 2004
Sunday, June 06, 2004
Mandala 7
Saturday, June 05, 2004
Mandala 6 -- Dry Brush
Mandala 6

I believe this is the first five-armed mandala that I have posted on this blog.
I struggled with this one, initially using only arcs, trying to achieve a design that had some "flow" to it. I finally resorted to some splines to get the shapes that I wanted. The "bell-shaped" curves on the perimeter of the mandala are splines. Also, if you look at the "rose" shapes in the center, they aren't perfectly circular. I purposefully put some "flats" in them for interest. The flats are achieved by having two arcs come in non-tangent to one another; that is, not at 0 or 180 degrees, but something close to that.
Overall, I struggled with this one and I think the result reflects that. Ah well, better luck next time.

Friday, June 04, 2004
Mandala 5
Mandala 4
Monday, May 31, 2004
Mandala 3 -- The Circular Centipede
Sunday, May 30, 2004

This is "Hiroplum" from John Hudock's collection of Japanese prints (seen at Common Sense & Wonder).
I was immediately drawn to this print because of the gorgeous juxtaposition of green and red. While many of us may associate those colors with Christmas, this Japanese artist probably felt and saw something quite different.
I also appreciated the little quarter-circle cutouts at the corners of this print. I tried to reinforce that small design motif in my horizontal background.
Saturday, May 29, 2004
Brown is the color of my true love's hair . . .

Not to kill a dead horse, but here is another derivation of the original mandala 2. As I am such a Photoshop neophyte, you viewers of my images will see many such variations and combinations.
Here I've used the old bas relief filter again, along with creating an elliptical fill and stroke on a separate layer for a background. Recently, I was exposed to Gaussian blur as a means of removing jagged edges. On this image, though, I used it to soften the edges of the elliptical fill.

Mandala 2
. . . and the cow jumped over the moon!

Doesn't this make you smile? It does me.
This was a line drawing that I copied off the internet somewhere. Unfortunately, I do not have the URL for its source. I would happily give credit to its owner if they contact me.
I have modified it a bit. I think I have added one large star and enlarged many of the smaller stars. I have colored it, including the pink cow. I wonder if she gives strawberry-flavored milk?

Friday, May 28, 2004
Hasu Beppo

I copied this image from the blog, Common Sense & Wonder. This is a group blog, a delightful, smart and satiric blog. One of the bloggers is John Hudock, self-described as "The older, wiser and grumpier one." John evidently collects these beautiful Japanese prints, which he generously shares with the world at this site.
What you see here is my "practicing" with layers and gradient colors in Photoshop, around John's lovely print.
Mandala 1

This is a first attempt at creating a mandala. I created it in Unigraphics NX2. While I am used to working in the 3D world, this is a purely two-dimensional exercise.
I like working with odd numbers as opposed to even. While a viewer's eye can quickly absorb and "pass over" the symmetry of even-numbered designs, I don't believe that is the case with odd-numbered designs.

Thursday, May 27, 2004
Just a little color block

This is a color block that I created in Photoshop 6. I am not really satisfied with it, so I may revisit this little jpeg at a later time. I am so used to the accuracy of other software apps that I use, that in an instance like this, Photoshop feels a bit loosey-goosey. Probably just my lack of experience with PS.

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