I believe this is the first five-armed mandala that I have posted on this blog.
I struggled with this one, initially using only arcs, trying to achieve a design that had some "flow" to it. I finally resorted to some splines to get the shapes that I wanted. The "bell-shaped" curves on the perimeter of the mandala are splines. Also, if you look at the "rose" shapes in the center, they aren't perfectly circular. I purposefully put some "flats" in them for interest. The flats are achieved by having two arcs come in non-tangent to one another; that is, not at 0 or 180 degrees, but something close to that.
Overall, I struggled with this one and I think the result reflects that. Ah well, better luck next time.

Nice mandala, it looks pretty cool! i like it a lot. i've never seen one like that before. good work.
Very very good.
Hello my name is Fernanda and I´m from Brazil and I really liked your mandala! That´s why I will ask you a favor, I want to make a tatoo of a mandala, and yould like to know if you would draw a madala as beautiful as this one to my tatoo?? My e-mail is fefeml@hotmail.com I´ll wait for your answer!
I think your mandala is very unique! It's so beautiful! I think you did a wonderful job!
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